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Percentage CalcuIator

4.6 ( 9796 ratings )
Économie et entreprise Éducation
Développeur Thomas Richardson
0.99 USD

Need to know a certain percentage on special offers or other things, let percentage calculator help you with the calculations.

Thinking about buying something that has x% off and need to know how much exactly?

Let Percentage Calculator by webucket solve your sums

Instantly calculate percentages with this powerful calculator.

Although percentages can be quite easy to work out, we can all have a “moment” and have real difficulty.

The Percentage Calculator comes with EIGHT percentage tools:

1.Find the percentage of a number.

Use this tool to find the percentage of a number. For example, find the VAT of an item or product.

2.Find the percentage of a part value.
E.g. what is the percentage of: 50 of 150? A: 33.33%

3.Find the percentage change from one value to another:

E.g. if an item originally cost 10.00 and now costs 10.99, by what percentage has the value changed?

4. Calculate the value that Y% is of value X

E.g. 10 is 20% of which value? A: 50

5. Increase a number by a percentage

E.g. what is 100 + 69%? A: 169

6.Decrease a number by a percentage

E.g. what is 100 – 69%? A: 31

7.Calculate the original value after a percentage has been deducted

E.g. If you bought a discounted item at 49.99 and the original value was reduced by 45% what was the original value? A: 90.89

8.Calculate the original value after a percentage was added.

E.g. If an item cost £40 what would be the original value if VAT @ 20% was excluded? A: 41.66

We believe that THIS calculator is the best on the app store market.